viernes, 12 de noviembre de 2010


A wedding breakfast is a dinner given to the bride, bridegroom and guests at the wedding reception that follows a wedding in the United Kingdom and some other English-speaking countries, including Australia and New Zealand. [1].
The wedding breakfast is not normally a morning meal, so its name is puzzling. The name is claimed[2] to have arisen from the fact that in pre-Reformation times the wedding service was a Mass and the bride and bridegroom would therefore have been fasting before the wedding; after the ceremony the priest would bless and distribute some wine, cakes, and sweetmeats, which were then handed round to the company. Since in the old Catholic custom no-one may take Mass unless they have fasted since daybreak, this was literally a "break fast" for the bride and groom, though others in attendance would not necessarily take communion and therefore would not necessarily have been fasting. 
2 ^ Wagner, L. (1894). Manners, customs and observances. London: Heinemann. 
(Chapter 7):
The Wedding Breakfast.
Victorian painting
by George Elgar Hick
s  (1862)  

187. In these days the term Wedding Breakfast is a misnomer, for no one would think of going through such a trying ordeal breakfastless. In pre-Reformation times, however, the bride and bridegroom, before leaving the church, were expected to hear Mass and receive the Holy Communion. The attendance of the witnesses was naturally enjoined also, but in their case the Communion was optional. At the conclusion of the Mass the officiating priest solemnly blessed some wine, cakes, and sweetmeats, which were then handed round to the company. This slight repast was, in every sense of the word, a breakfast, since in the Roman Catholic Church none can receive the Holy Communion who have not fasted from the previous midnight.

L. P.

2 comentarios:

  1. Queridas primas:

    Aún aguardo ansiosa ese viaje al viejo continente que toda dama que se precie debe realizar en su juventud, a fin de adquirir experiencias y sabiduría mundana. Como aún no lo he hecho, pues, mi conocimiento de la lengua de Shakespeare deja mucho que desear (además, los traductores on-line me dejan perpleja), así que no puedo opinar gran cosa sobre este escrito. Lo que sí puedo decir es que la imagen que lo acompaña me gusta...En realidad, me gustan todas las apologías del desayuno que existen. Y que yo no sabía que existían...Gracias por compartir la información.
    Ahora soy yo la que me he puesto a buscar y he encontrado esta página-vecina dedicada al desayuno en el arte:
    Échadle un ojo (o los dos). Hay pinturas dignas de que ser actualizadas por nosotras en uno de nuestros futuros encuentros.
    Con cariño (y cándidas)
    Madame Eau

  2. Por Dios! Todavía con esas inquilinas?!? Esto es lo que se llama una pesadilla colectiva!!!!
    Pero en realidad....¡ qué bonito es compartirlo todo! el blog, las cándidas,los viajes al viejo mundo....ah,no! el viejo mundo somos nosotros, Madame Eau, nosotras debemos ir a África o al Nilo, como la querida Ágata!


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